Our News

Title Description Date Added
Video analysis of the World best rowers Videos of the best crews at the Worlds-2022 in Račice was taken using a HD panning camera for both gold and silver medallists in all boat types except eights. This new analysis tool opens very promising possibilities to discover many new insights of rowing technique and progress of our knowledge. 09/12/2022 View
Rowing biomechanics on-water and on RP3 A study on rowing biomechanics was recently completed during a BioRow clinic, in which handle and body segment velocities were measured on the water in singles and on the RP3 erg. 14/11/2022 View
Performance analysis of Worlds-2022 Performance analysis of Worlds-2022 This Newsletter presents scientific analysis of race results from the recent World Rowing Championships in Račice, Czech Republic. It discloses essential information on the current trends in modern elite rowing. This Newsletter provides an important insight on how races were won or lost in Račice-2022, which would be of interest to elite rowers and coaches. 04/10/2022 View
Rowing Factors FAQs Catch Factor CF indicates TIMING of the handle and seat coordination. Rowing Style Factor RSF indicates relative SPEED of the seat and handle movements during the beginning of the drive. 30/08/2022 View
Analysis of U19 and U23 Worlds in Varese Rowing speed of younger rowers is growing faster than in the Olympic category and margins between them are getting smaller. Increase in rowing speed from younger rowers to Olympic level happens by gain in both racing Stroke Rate and Work per Stroke. Both components increased similarly by about 4% on the U23-Olympic jump, but on U19-U23 jump, the increase in Work per Stroke 4.4% was significantly higher than the increase in the Stroke Rate 1.7%. 02/08/2022 View
Comparison of blade types Further experimentation to determine the most efficient blade type was recently conducted, in which testing was done in a LM2x. Fat2 blades were the most efficient at low stroke rates 20-24spm, while Comps performed slightly better at racing rates 36-37spm. Using the analysis of the velocity gain and impulse efficiency, the Comp blade shape was found to be the most efficient of the three studied. 13/07/2022 View
Blade pitch adjustment Effective bladework depends on the blade pitch – the angle between the vertical and the blade during the drive. The lateral pitch can help to maintain optimal blade depth at variations in the handle force vector direction, caused by changes in the rower’s body geometry during the drive. It is recommended to set fore-aft pin pitch to 0o, to neutralize its effect. BioRow can help you with rigging in a number of ways. 15/06/2022 View
Rigging optimization for rowing efficiency With very "light" rigging, a sculler struggled to “connect” with water and apply power: strokes looked too light and unproductive. It was decided to make combined changes of both levers and stretcher position, which helped to maintain a comfortable finish position. The optimized rigging significantly improved ability to apply force and power: projected time over 2km was 12.5 and 18.7s faster after rigging changes. 12/05/2022 View
Practical implications of axial oar forces Recent BioRow research has found that the axial blade force plays a negative role in propulsion: it creates a braking force component in the opposite direction to the velocity of the rower-boat system. Therefore, the blade axial force must be minimised. The axial handle force is a static one and creates no energy losses. 04/04/2022 View
Determination of rowing power Rowing power is the most important indicator of performance in our sport, and new findings from our latest blades research may help to provide more accurate calculation of rowing power and feedback on it. The rower’s power production could be on average 3.6% higher that readings from systems with gate force measurements. This partly explains higher power values on-erg compare to on-water rowing, which has much more complex mechanics. 08/03/2022 View
Showing 21 to 30 of 111 (12 Pages)