Our News

Title Description Date Added
Interpretation of the Blade Work variables The beginning and end of the drive are more efficient zones for blade propulsion, and most of the blade slippage energy is wasted in the middle of the drive. Blade Drag Factor is the measure of ABSOLUTE resistance of the blade in the water, which slightly decreases (blade slippage increases) at higher stroke rates and boat speeds, because the blade slips more at higher force and power. Blade Efficiency is the measure of propulsive power as a RELATIVE share in the total power, Efficiency increases at higher rates and speeds. because the total power increases more dramatically than the blade slippage. 23/08/2018 View
Advanced Analysis of Blade Work Advanced analysis of the blade work allowed reasonable explanation of the blade efficiency calculations, where its values above 100% at catch and finish mean rear movement of the blade centre above water level, without contribution to propulsive force. 31/07/2018 View
Blade Drag Factor During the drive phase, the blade slips through the water creating a resistive drag force, which is in fact the propulsive force moving the whole rower-boat system forward. The blade drag Factor DF was found about 120 times higher than boat DF, and this is is the only reason why the rower-boat system is able to move through the water. 10/06/2018 View
Interpretation of the blade work profile After force curve, the blade work profile is another important area of evaluation of rowing skill. A quick blade entry must coincide with rapid horizontal oar acceleration. This is one of the most difficult skills to learn in rowing, a type of “rowing art”. Visually, good blade work at the catch looks like V-shaped combination of front and back splashes at high rates, or no splashes at all at low rates. 25/05/2018 View
Interpretation of the force curve We always try to make the BioRow reports provided after testing simpler and easier to understand, so in order to achieve this we developed an ‘evaluation’ template. The force curve is traditionally considered as one of the most important indicators of rowing technique. 10/05/2018 View
Ergs comparison using BioRowTech system Recently, the BioRowTech system was used for the comparison of rowing biomechanics on two types of ergometers: on the stationary Concept2 and on the RP3 with the floating stretcher mechanism. Rowing Factors appear to be quite different on stationary and mobile ergs, their targets ranges should be different as well. 09/04/2018 View
History of rowing force measurements The age of force measurements in rowing surpasses the age of the modern Olympic Games: the first study of military doctor Leon Passover from Saint-Petersburg, Russia was published in 1893 14/03/2018 View
BioRow data analysis When rowing is measured with any telemetry system, the raw data looks like a long chain of waves, where each peak represents one stroke cycle, which makes the amount of data overwhelming and difficult to comprehend. BioRow averaging algorithm was developed and used for more than 25 years now, works correctly and reliably and provides effective data analysis and feedback in rowing and other cyclic sports. 16/02/2018 View
Using legs and trunk during the drive Why having “shins vertical” is a desired starting point at the catch? Why is opening up with the trunk at the catch a problem? When is the best time to open the trunk? 19/01/2018 View
New BioRow developments A new BioRow® 2D force sensor for a foot-stretcher was recently developed, which can be used with our erg system as well as in the boat. We are working on connection of BioRowTel system to NK EmPower instrumented oarlocks. The ‘Master’ unit of the BioRow® system is able to connect wirelessly with oarlocks. 25/11/2017 View
Showing 91 to 100 of 120 (12 Pages)